Important Phone Numbers
Iceland has first class emergency services and health care facilities. Just in case you need assistance during your stay in Iceland it’s a good idea to make note of the following important phone numbers.
- Emergency services: police, fire and ambulance. Tel: 112
- Directory Inquiries. Tel: 118
- Police Station. Tel: 444-1000
- Search and Rescue. Tel: 570-5900
- International Directory Inquiries: 1811
- Sjálfsbjörg (self-help) association for people with disabilities: Tel: 550-0300
- E.R Emergency Room Landspítali Hospital. Tel: 543-2000
- Dental assistance. Tel: 575-0505
- Health Care Services (out of hours) Tel: 1770
- Luggage storage. Tel: 591-1000
- Lost & found. Tel: 444 -1000
- For lost or stolen credit cards: Visa Tel: 525-2000. American Express Tel: 800-8111.
-For lost or stolen credit cards: Master Card & Diners Club Tel:533-1400/550-1500