Reykjavík: The Greenest City in the World
Last week the online travel service Travel Bird released the Green Cities Index of 2018. On top of the list, Iceland's capital can be found, with 411 square meters of green space per person.
Last week the online travel service Travel Bird released the Green Cities Index of 2018. On top of the list, Iceland's capital can be found, with 411 square meters of green space per person.
The study aims to highlight the best urban destinations for environmentally-minded travelers. The research focuses on largest OECD countries for comparison and hand-picked 50 cities, focusing on prominent tourist destinations. For a more accessible representation, the data is presented in terms of a square meter per person, as well as for a better understanding of how the green spaces in these cities might impact a traveler’s experience,
For those interested in digging a bit deeper into the study, the top 10 list and the breakdown of the data can be found on Travel Bird's website.