Hallargarðurinn public park
Fríkirkjuvegur 7, Reykjavík 101, (+354) 411 1111
Website: www.reykjavik.is/hallargardurinn
Email: upplysingar@reykjavik.is
Hallargarðurinn at Fríkirkjuvegur is a beautiful public parks in Reykjavik. Florals, artwork, elegant houses and views of the lake from the east give the garden a graceful and warm appearance. It also indirectly connects to the Sound Park (Hljómskálagarðurinn), which is diagonally opposite the other side of Sóleyjargata and the Scotch Road.
At Hallargarðurinn stands the splendid house of Thor Jensson (better known as Bindindishöllin), a timber-house in the classical style and by many considered one of the most beautiful houses of Reykjavik. Then the Reykjavik Women's School and the Reykjavík Art Museum in the north end of the park. The park contains various works of art, such as the statue of Adonis by Bertel Thorvaldsen.