Laugardalslaug pool
Sundlaugavegur 30, Reykjavík 105, 411 5100
Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri: 6.30am - 10.00pm
Sat - Sun: 8.00am - 9.00pm
Website: https://reykjavik.is/en/laugardalslaug-pool
Email: laugardalslaug@reykjavik.is
At Laugardalslaug you'll find a 50m outdoor pool, water slides, sea tub, steam bath, hot tubs, kiddie slide, kiddie pool, wading pool, massage tub, indoor pool, cool tub, infant facilities, private dressing rooms and outdoor dressing rooms. There is accessibility for the disabled in the pool. The water in the pool has chlorine made from salt. In the neighbourhood are running routes, a minigolf course, a wipeout obstacle course and beach volleyball. At the front desk is a cafeteria, swimwear for sale and free wifi.
This pool has received Rainbow Certification. The goal of Reykjavik City’s Rainbow Certification is to make Reykjavik City more LGBT+ friendly, both for employees and citizens. The aim is to prevent direct and indirect discrimination against LGBT+ people.