Reykjavik Botanical Garden
Engjavegur, Reykjavík 104, 411 8650
Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri: 10.00am - 7.00pm
Sat - Sun: 10.00am - 3.00pm
Website: https://www.facebook.com/grasagardur
Email: botgard@reykjavik.is
Reykjavik Botanical Garden is a living museum in the open air. The Botanical Garden was founded in 1961 and is run by the City of Reykjavik. He belongs to the Environmental Quality Office, which is part of the City of Environment and Planning Division. The Environment and Health Council handles the issues of the Botanical Garden.
The role of the Botanical Garden is to preserve and record plants for education, research and adoration. The park preserves about 5,000 plants in eight museums. The plant collections give an idea of the diversity of vegetation in the temperate belt to the north. Every museum department has a specific role to play, such as showing and promoting Icelandic plants, trees or food and spices.